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2 Січня, 2010

Дорогі радіо слухачі!

“Сотворив Ти нас Боже, і неспокійнесерце наше, поки не спочине в Тобі Господи", отак висловлюється Св. Августин.

Учора святкували ми Новий Рік. Маємо надію, що минулий не завдав нам багато клопотів, невдач, розчаровань або ран. Господь зберіг нас для нових подвигів у цьому році. Дає нам нагоду дальше змагатися до кращого, щоб осягнути своє щастя. Важним є не шукати це щастя там де його не можна знайти, памятаючи завжди що Господь Бог є джерелом нашого щастя. У противному в нас буде відчувається гіркота на душі і сум на серці.

Цікаво, що цей Новий Ріік нам принесе, а що забере від нас?

Маємо надію, що принесе спокій у наші серця, і у наше відношення у родині і до ближніх і між народами, а забере смуток, і ненавість і все це, що нам стоїть на перешкоді.

Новий рік нагода до нових постанов. Які зміни рішили ми запровадити у нашому житті, щоб воно хилилося у більш позитивну сторону. Які рішення принесли ми на початку цього нового року.

Господь зберіг нас для того, щоб ми продовжували робити добрі діла. Дає нам нагоду осягнути щастя. А у чому полягає це щастя і як до нього дійти? Щастя для нас у свідомості, що Господь є з нами, що Він з нами бориться, і ніколи не залишить нас, навіть якщо ми можливо на хвильку не звернемо На нього уваги? Важним є завжди старатися не шукати свого щастя там де його не можна знайти.

“Неспокійне серце наше, поки не спочине в Тобі Господи.”

Старозавітний проповідник Когелет мав усього подостатку, і золота і срібла і різних розкошів, і чого лиш забажали його очі, він їм не боронив. Але після всого того залешилася гіркота і з квасною міною він часто повторяв: “Геть усе марнота і гонитва за вітром і ніякої з того користи нема під сонцем.

Господь Бог є джерелом щастя, а ми нераз шукаємо його хто знає де і так і в нас відчувається гіркота і ми можемо також сказати Марнота марнот, усе марнота.

Для нас щастя тільки в Господі, який каже: “Прийдіть до мене всі втомлені і я облекшу вас. Радість у у Христі Господі є повною, чудесною, незмінною і вічною. “Ніхто Вашої радости від нас не забере” каже Ісус у Івана. Постараймося шукати щастя у прив’язанню до Господа.

На порозі Нового Року постановім цей рік провести у вірі, в мирі, в надії, в любові. Зі щирого серця бажаємо усім вам щоб Новий Рік приніс Вам багато радости і щастя в Христі Господі.

Постараймося шукати щастя у прив’язанню до Господа, якого можемо бачити у всіх тих що мають яку небудь потребу, що хворіють, що не знають якою дорогою їм іти. У інших добачаймо Христа і для інших будьмо Христом. Покажім їм дорогу до спасіння. Самі ідім нею, і інших туди провадьмо, щоб ми усі були з Господом зєднані, щоб ми усі брали участь у небесній трапезі, на яку нас усіх закликано. З нами Бог, розумійте народи і покоріться бо ось з нами Бог.


Подякуймо Господеві за всі дари, що ми їх одержали в цьому році, що вже проминає. Можливо не все нам подобалося, можливо ми мали труднощі, нестачі, може хворіли, може хтось з ченів нашої родини, або наші приятилі постраждали. Все ж таки все проминуло. Нові труднощі прийдуть, але з Господом ми все можемо подолати. Він нас скріплює, він провадить, він нами опікується. Ідучи за ним ми не будемо спотикатися. Він нам освітлює дорогу.

Хтось колись сказав: "Життя є це що стається у той час коли ти маєш пляни робити щось іншого." На порозі наступаючого року постановім своє життя вести з вірою, надією, і любовю. Перед нами багато справ до полагодження. Багато є тих, що нас потребують, і Господь нас посилає передати їм Його любов.

Зі щирого серця бажаємо усім вам, дорогі радіо слухачі,  щоб Новий Рік приніс багато радости і щастя в Христі Господі, щоб ми завжди були іншим на услузі, щоб труднощі які прийдуть привели нас до співчутливости з іншими, і до зрозуміння потреби Господа в нашому житті. Амінь!

+ Амінь.


 Отим скінчили ми сьогоднішну радіо передачу в українській мові. Слухайте нас кожної неділі о другій годині на ра­діо стації WJJL 1440 AM. Які небудь питання, коментарі або поради скируйте до Церкви Св. Мико­лая в Боффало.

Наш адрес: 308 Фільмор вулиця, Боффало, НЙ, 14206, а наш телєфон є 716-852-7566.

Ми одержали наступні пожертви на нашу радіо передачу.

$50.00 дол. Др. Уляна Лоза з родиною у пам’ять Св. Пам. найдорощойо чоловіка, батька і дідуся др-а Михайла Лози. Вічная Пам’ять!

$10.00 дол. Слава Ґреґа Лонґ у пам’ять Св. Пам. Магдалини Притула. Вічная Пам’ять!

$25.00 дол. Галина і Онуфрій Білоголовські.

$25.00 дол. Михайло Ліскевич

 $20.00 дол. Марія Дранка.

$15.00 дол. Анна Федик.

По $10.00 зложили Ігор Ґіль, Володимира Ґіль, Катерина Петрович, Анна Заньків.

Нехай Господь поблагословить усіх жертводавців. Сердечна подяка.

А тепер перейдемо до нашої англомовної частини.


You are listening to the “Good Samaritan” Ukrainian RadioProgram, under the patronage of the Buffalo Ukrainian Catholic Deanery. Our intention is to bring the word of God to all of you, who are unable to attend church on Sundays. Please say a prayer for the success of this project!

Christ is born! Let us Glorify Him!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

On this Sunday just after New Year’s Day, we are celebrating the Sunday before Epiphany: when the time of Bethlehem and Nazareth are drawing to an end.  After about thirty years of hidden life, which were made holy by humble work with his hands and by obedience, Jesus is soon to be revealed to the world.  In the same way, that in spirit, we went to the manger at Bethlehem, we shall go guided by the angels, toward the river Jordan where our Holy Father will reveal His Son.  Not only does our Church associate herself with the joy of the angels who will be present at the baptism of Christ, but Holy Church also invites each of us to draw nearer to the Jordan River, and tells us what it is that we will receive there: “Let us the faithful prepare with just praise for the baptism of our Lord. Behold, He has put on our flesh and asks for the baptism of salvation so that He might regenerate all those who, in purity, have been illuminated by faith; all those who share in His Spirit.  These words indicate briefly and precisely the double purpose of the grace which Epiphany brings to us.  On the one hand, it is our grace for purification and for the remission of sins; on the other hand it is also our grace for illumination and participation in the Holy Spirit.  Both the Gospel and Epistle readings for today are devoted to the memory of St. John the Baptist, who at Epiphany, itself, is the one who in a way - presented Jesus to the world.  The Gospel brings us the austere figure of John, preparing the way, crying in the wilderness, preaching the baptism of repentance, announcing that another who will come after him will baptize us not with water, but with the Holy Spirit.  In the Epistle, St. Paul urges his disciple Timothy to watch vigilantly, to endure afflictions, and to do the work of the evangelist, making “full proof of his ministry”, which is also the call that the Church addresses to John the Baptist, to accomplish the chief act of his ministry, which is to baptize Jesus and to proclaim to the world: “Behold, the Lamb of God”.

On January first, we often think of resolutions rather than the coming Feast of Epiphany or anything else, because we celebrate the start of a new calendar year, and for many people it feels like a new beginning or a start to something better.  But when we speak of New Year’s resolutions we should also keep in mind our resolve as Christians to improve our own spiritual relationship with God.  I am reminded of the third chapter in the Book of Proverbs, where Solomon, the son of David, begins with: “My children, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity in the Lord.  Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge the Lord and He will make your paths straight.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.  This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your spirit.  Blessed is the man or woman who finds wisdom and gains understanding, for this is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.  By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding He set the heavens in place.  My child, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck.  Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.  Do not say to your neighbor, ‘Come back later; I will give it tomorrow,’ when you now have it with you”.  The chapter goes on to teach us many valuable lessons on how we should lead our lives in the sight of God.  And in the wake of this New Year, let us resolve today to pay close attention and adherence to these principles and see what God can do in our lives. 


There once lived an old shoemaker, loved and honored by all his neighbors, who affectionately called him "Father Martin."  One Christmas, he sat alone in his little shop, reading of the visit of the wise men to the infant Jesus, and of the gifts they brought, and he said to himself, "If tomorrow were the first Christmas, I know what I would give Jesus!"  He arose and took from a shelf two little shoes of softest snow-white leather, with bright silver buckles. "I would give Him these, my finest work. How pleased his mother would be!  But I'm a foolish old man”, he thought, smiling. "The Master has no need of my poor gifts."  Replacing the shoes, he blew out the candle and retired to rest. Hardly had he closed his eyes, when it seemed he heard a voice call his name. "Martin!"  Intuitively, he felt aware of the identity of the speaker.  "Martin, you have longed to see me. Tomorrow I shall pass by your window. If you see me and bid me enter, I shall be your guest and sit at your table."  Martin did not sleep that night for joy.  Before it was yet dawn, he arose and tidied up his little shop.  Fresh sand he spread on the floor, and green boughs of fir he wreathed along the rafters.  On the table he placed a loaf of white bread, a jar of honey, a pitcher of milk; and over the fire he hung a hot drink.  His simple preparations were complete.  When all was in readiness, he took up his vigil at the window.  He was sure he would know the Master.  As he watched the driving sleet and rain in the cold, deserted street, he thought of the joy that would be his when he sat down and broke bread with his Guest.  Presently, he saw an old street sweeper pass by, blowing upon his thin, gnarled hands to warm them.  Poor fellow!  He must be half frozen, thought Martin. Opening the door, he called out to him, "Come in, my friend, and get warm, and drink something hot."  No further urging was needed, and the man gratefully accepted the invitation.  An hour passed, and Martin next saw a poor, miserably clothed woman carrying a baby.  She paused, wearily, to rest in the shelter of his doorway. Quickly, he flung open the door. "Come in and get warm while you rest," he said to her. "Are you not well?" he asked.  "I am going to the hospital.  I hope they will take me and my baby in," she explained. "My husband is at sea, and I am ill, without a soul to whom I can go."  "Poor child!" cried the old man. "You must eat something while you are getting warm.  Let me give a cup of milk to the little one.  Ah! What a bright, pretty little fellow he is!  Why, you have no shoes on him!"  "I have no shoes for him," sighed the mother.  "Then he shall have this lovely pair I finished yesterday." And Martin took down the soft little snow-white shoes he had looked at the evening before, and slipped them on the child's feet.  They fit perfectly.  Shortly, the young mother went her way full of gratitude, and Martin went back to his post at the window.  Hour after hour went by, and many needy souls shared the meager hospitality of this old shoemaker, but the expected Guest did not appear.  At last, when night had fallen, Martin retired to his cot with a heavy heart. "It was only a dream," he sighed. "I did hope and believe, but He has not come."  Suddenly, so it seemed to his weary eyes, the room was flooded with a glorious light, and to Martin's astonished vision, there appeared before him, one by one, the poor street sweeper, the sick mother and her baby, and all the people whom he had aided during the day.  Each one smiled at him and said, "Have you not seen me?  Did I not sit at your table?" and then they vanished.  And softly out of the silence he heard again the gentle voice, repeating the old, familiar words, "Who so shall receive one such little child in My name, receives Me" (Matt. 18:5).  For I was hungry, and you gave me meat; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in…

Trust in the goodness of people and allow yourself to be overwhelmed. There are many ways to touch people's heart: an action, a hug, a word, a smile. Make it your resolution this year, a new tradition to start with your own children and family, and remember: it only takes one person to make a difference in someone’s life and you could be the one.  It was 2000 years ago, that one of our first Christian leaders, St. Paul, gave this advice: "Forgetting what is behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on towards the goal for which God has called me, heavenwards in Christ Jesus." (Phil 3:13-14).  This advice from scripture has stood the test of time.  I do not know of any more relevant and practical advice for each of us, as another year has come and gone and a New Year stretches out before us.  One of the most comforting thoughts we have to take into the New Year is that Jesus loves us and cares for us.  There is not a person upon the earth for whom He fails to love.  No matter where we live, regardless of who we are, Christ has a place for each of us.

When Jesus brought His disciples to a mountain in Galilee, He gave them instructions for the days ahead.  And then our Lord did not just leave them in that place, but rather spoke this Word of God's Promise: "Remember I am with you always, to the end of the age."  On the street where you live, in the nursing home with photos on your bureau and memories deep within your heart, in the apartment building where Christmas lights still twinkle from the fire escape, or at the entryway to a homeless shelter softly covered white with snow.  Wherever you may be, God is with us!  So today and throughout this coming New Year, I pray you have enough happiness to keep you kind.  Enough trials to keep you strong; Enough sorrow to keep you human; Enough hope to keep you happy; Enough weakness to keep you humble; Enough success to keep you thankful; Enough friends to give you comfort; Enough wealth to meet your needs; Enough enthusiasm to make you look forward to tomorrow, and enough determination to make each day better than the day before.  My brothers and sisters - may the peace, hope, and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, be with you always.

Emanuel: God is with us! 

You have been listening to the Good Samaritan, Ukrainian Radio Program. If you have any questions, commentaries, or suggestions, please contact us at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, located at 308 Fillmore Avenue, in Buffalo, NY 14206. Our telephone number is area code 716-852-7566.

We received the following donation:

A $50.00 donation from Dr. Ulana Loza and family in loving memory of dear husband, father and grandfather, Dr. Mychajlo Loza. May God grant him Eternal rest – Vichnaya pam’yat! 

A $10.00 donation from Gloria Grega Long in memory of Magdalena Prytula. May God grant her Eternal rest – Vichnaya pam’yat!

A $25.00 donation from Onufrij and Halyna Biloholowskyj.

A $25.00 donation from Michael Liskiewicz.

A $20.00 donation from Maria Dranka.

A $15.00 donation from Anna Fedyk.

And $10.00 donations from each of the following: Ihor Gill, Wolodomyra Gill, Kateryna Petrowycz, Anna Zankiw

Thank you for your generosity and may the good Lord bless you a hundredfold.

On behalf of Father Marijan, Susan, Nick, and myself (Ihor), we would like to wish each and every one of you a very blessed and healthy New Year!

Please join us again next Sunday at 2:00 PM, on WJJL 1440 AM for the “Good Samaritan Ukrainian Radio Program”.


Коляди: Возвисилімся (Оля Фриц)

Carols: A Ukrainian Christmas Collection: Rejoice (Olya Fryz)